Not a hero re7 documenst
Not a hero re7 documenst

not a hero re7 documenst

And we soon started getting balance changes and reworks. Support class should heal, Tanks are bullet sponges and shield carriers, “Damage” (Offensive, Defensive) should do mass damage. It was a vibrant cast of heroes, who had vibrant and unique roles (I will talk about roles further down!).īut with a successful launch, drawing in masses of Blizzard fan players from other franchises, and FPS maniacs as well, there was certain expectations that each playerbase had. Bastion was the chonk who would BRRRRRRRRR you down if you allowed it to. Instead of a boring non-brain healer, she instead buffed her teammates with SHIELDS autoregenerating HP! Imagine that, a support that doesn’t heal! Junkrat was a shield-buster with traps to ward off flankers or get off-angles himself. Her ult (teleporter, later shield gen too) made for a secondary objective for the enemy.

not a hero re7 documenst

Symmetra was a utility support who utilized the maps geometry to support her team, and lock down areas with her 6 turrets. Mercy was TF2 medic, if you gave him a resurrection and wings. Keep that discussion out of this thread pls) was the mid range “marksman” with good duel potential. They all had an identity that was really easy to grasp. Overwatch as a game, is losing it’s identity, as well as it’s uniqueness.Ĭompared to when Overwatch launched, a lot of the balance/rework changes made to heroes have slowly chipped away at heroe’s unique kits and abilities.īack when Overwatch launched, all the heroes had really vibrant kits, their designs was crisp. They’re all suggestions, and suggestions can be ignored or not, still better than not having made a suggestion at all. So please do not think of them in a too serious manner, as they are but a notion of an idea I think would be interesting/unique… I’m not a numbers kind of person. Also note at any time where I give suggestions or feedback, I am not on the balance team, I have my own opinions on how I’d like the game to be balanced, I have my own biases and frustrations. I also want to make it crystal clear that these are just my opinions and thoughts surrounding the game, and we are all entitled to our own, mine might be wrong in your eyes.

not a hero re7 documenst

I really wish the Devs had stuck more to their original creative vision for OW and not bent their knee to the vocal, blue-eyed loud playerbase who cannot conform to new ideas. A lot of the OW2 changes to heroes results in a lot of the roster feeling same-y (Sojourn/Solider, Grenades for DMG heroes, “power blocks” for tanks, “invulnerability” for Supports (Suzu, Nade, Immortaility field). The gameplay has been sped up for OW2, but we have counter-intuitive design with Bastion ult and Junkrat ult. Tanks by some extent, but supports are most affected by this Support nowawaday’s has to have healing, making the role incredibly predictable and unexciting. Roles was supposed to be an indicator for less experienced players, but now they’ve solidified into the “holy trinity” system of WoW/Moba games. Unique hero designs is being reworked in a way where their uniqueness is being muddied out by bad changes, leaving them just blander versions of themselves. Overwatch is losing what made it unique in the beginning. I’ll see if I can’t add a summery or TL DR, but that will also end up long. Strap in, because this is going to be a long one. There are also people who does not agree at all, and that’s also totally fine. However, I think that there’s a lot of people who feels the same way even though they may not be aware. This post has been a long on in the making, and I am still making up my thoughts, and probably will be for some time.

Not a hero re7 documenst